Dienstag, 23. Oktober 2007

A28 or "The Jungscharlager"

This is PlusX, and i'd say not really properly developed, maybe even a bit shorter. Not much of a story in any of the photos. Arrived at the annual 2 weeks "Jungscharlager". I was there for 2 days. This is not too new stuff. It is already pretty cold here.

It was hot, so everyone was just sitting around.

Got bored and wanted to check out the biker festival 200m up the hill. Printed this and its a pain in the ass to get the details on the ground. oh well...

quite pictoresque stage there. Everyone liked it, but I was bored. Couldn't even get drunk cause i had to drive home...

Jeeps were there too.

A house

narcism, but the light was nice.

oh should have moved in a bit closer and get rid of the empty space on the left.


the film, in the waiting line. (now there are only 3 more rolls waiting for me)

so long...

1 Kommentar:

Bernhard hat gesagt…


find ich irgendwie nett. ich weiß nicht, was an dem film falsch entwickelt ist. sieht von den scans her zu urteilen schön dicht aus. mir gefällts so - muss jedoch sagen, dass beim 125px bei normalem licht (wie bei trix) die regel gilt: lieber unter als überbelichten. weil sonst sind die lichter sehr schnell weg. und für die schatten hast du ja eh die iso125-250 bzw 400-800 empfindlichkeitsspanne.