Montag, 31. Dezember 2007

A34 or "no title"

so this was still in summer. The camera was pretty new so I needed to take some shots, somehow. Somehow I get impatient when a film is in the camera for a long time, whatever.

super self
again unnecessary wasting of film. Why am I showing this even?

had a meeting with this girl. I like her. This was strange, so uncomfortable.

metering is fun.

My mother, looking something up, probably how I get to the WUK.

quiz: why did I take this shot? there is a reason.

At the Wuk was some art. Yeah. artsy. Shooting art is tempting thou.

This guy was there too, forgot his name, nice tones. bad focus. camera was still new, and the first rangefinder I ever had.

Shooting thise film wouldn't be possible with a slr in this conditions.

The beginning of the trip mentioned in this post My system is not really chronological.

Since I was driving, the person on the other front seat decided to take a photo of these sleeping girls in the back. well, the camera doesn't have an "auto-mode"


I realized to meter on very bright things is funny, because the numbers in the finder aren't readable any more.

Quite hot. On this camps erveryone seems to sleep.

I should seriously reconsider the idea of posting every film I shoot.

Sonntag, 9. Dezember 2007

A33 or "a daytrip"

Oh when was this? I do not recall exactly. For some reason the bessa was not with me there, it was the 50mm on the fm2n. I guess I haven't bought the bessa back then.
I went on a trip to the glamorous Bratislava.

Right after we had visited the (press)burg, Isaw this:

On the way down

Oh well... But I do keep wondering why such things make me uncomfortable. Is it strange that I see something like those few letters there? hyper - sensitising, if thats a word. NS DP and SS. Rather cruel that such more or less random accumulation of letters is linked to things. Then again I wonder if this could be necessary.
Someone had a giger motive on his leg

Later we went to a rather poor "Gemeindebausiedlung". Uncomfortable.
It had stopped raining then. Short downpour, the t-shirt wet from sweat inside outside wet from the rain. - Stop - This very particular smell all around.

in the heart of Bratislava, or what i have seen of it:

I'm quite fond of this

I spotted a lost, or thrown away key. Since I'm quite fond of such "litter", I took a shot. Maybe this object, that is probably passed by, unnoticed by many, has a very interesting story.
Not so interesting is the story, that i took out the film after the frame, and when re-loading I double-exposed some of it.

In the flat where we were staying, morning glory.

This day we took the dog for a walk. This is Michi who was my guide. We stayed at her sisters flat.

Went to a market, just before I was leaving again.

super dirty neg :)

Maybe I will show more of this trip. Most likely even.

Sonntag, 18. November 2007

A32 or "summertimes and a visit"

ah, this is gone for so long... the sign in the background states the beisl is closed due to the heat.

hot days indeed.

i say this coming.

I met this lady, pretty interesting...

went there to check out the new car those friends bought. some documenting of the flat. ah they have even moved by now.


sometimes hip-shots do work out.

super-artsy feet cropping, also the stain is awesome. :)

well moment gone, feet in the frame.

ah good times.
thought i might finish the roll, random shots. first time i saw this stencil though..