Donnerstag, 13. September 2007


Sorry this is still Mallorca, I need to catch up. Have developed up to 45 now. probably 2 more coming this night.

well. this is the first roll i shot there, not the first i have developed although. departure


a shopping cart, like to take photos of them.


trying to find the bus to palma

i loved this sign. could kill myself for cropping the right one. whatever everyone there has his special offers. so does Bogart's

This could be seen from our balcony. we called it: "THE HOLE". High end hotel, did I mention that?

We did not plan to drink lots of alcohol. But we got pretty decadent, buying the most expensive water. Gabriel is checking all the prices it has won.

Smoking cigars too. Felt awesome.

Now those shots are getting boring...

no real glass to be found in the room.

The most expensive water and the cheapest cigars. kick-ass combo.

could kill myself for this left upper corner. think it did not show in the finder.

some upskirt action?!

first shot i did in palma. Ever...

in this huge cathedral

roadmen there are more fashionable than in austria

somehow like this

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